86 | Burn Out | Feat. Rocky Heron

86 | Burn Out | Feat. Rocky Heron

Burn Out with Rocky Heron So how do the Dharma Dudes handle burn out? Yes, we all have been there, we’ve all experienced it. Well, that’s what Rocky and I talk about today. How we get there, to how we help ourselves out of the burn out.  We talk about how when we...
85 | Journey Into Yoga | Feat. Tim Feldmann

85 | Journey Into Yoga | Feat. Tim Feldmann

 Tim Feldmann’s Journey Into Yoga Tribe welcome back to YogiMisfits, this week I have Tim Feldmann, Director of Miami Life Center, Ashtanga yoga teacher and practitioner.  Training as a professional dancer, Tim Feldmann suffered from a major injury after falling...