by Danni | Sep 30, 2020 | Everything Else, Podcast, Uncategorized
< Darrell Jones is a wonderful yogi and meditation guide. He is one of the facilitators inside the teacher training I’m doing with Chill Anywhere. He is also their teacher trainer and program lead. He knows a LOT about meditation and during this episode we...
by Danni | Sep 16, 2020 | Everything Else, Podcast, Uncategorized
< Johannes Egberts is a rad dude and I’m stoked to have him on the show today. We talk about all things breathing. He is a big fan of the power of breath work and offers retreats, trainings, and journey centered around this offering. Johannes is a certified Oxygen...
by Danni | Apr 22, 2020 | Everything Else, Podcast
Today we get to hear from the goddess of Yoga Nidra, Tracee Stanley. We get to hear about what it means to intentionally turn inwards during a time when we are all stuck inside. Not only is Tracee a faculty member at the Esalen Institute, contributor to WOKE Magazine,...
by Danni | Feb 26, 2020 | Dharma Dudes, Podcast
Today’s podcast will change your life, and change your day. I am always so honored to have Rocky on the show – on this episode we sat down and discussed our morning rituals. What we do, how we stay consistent and WHY we do it. Rocky mentioned that the morning is the...
by Danni | Apr 3, 2019 | Everything Else, Podcast
Yogis, meet the incredibly kind and amazing Faith Hunter. I credit her with really helping me to make the jump into teaching yoga with her encouragement. For this session, we talk about dealing with her brother’s battle with HIV and the huge role yoga had in her...