And we’re back… We decided it was a good time to take a week off the show so we could LISTEN, REFLECT and LEARN. This week I brought a good friend of mine on the show. Ladies and Gentlemen introducing Max Kellogg. In today’s session, we had a real conversation with one another about the state of the world. Max shares about his dancing project that keeps him full of joy and I cover my new cooking passion. We talk about what keeps us nourished and brings us joy. We discuss how to keep this movement and momentum sustainable. Look into how COVID made us take a seat and how it truly made the world look at the deep issues that have been turning a blind eye to. This show gives a glimpse into really how amazing it is to be a human being on the planet right now. So much is changing but for all the right reasons. We have passed the tipping point and we can only move forward. But what does that look like? We discuss how it has been challenging to really ground in this moment and be actually present on the mat outside of work. This episode looks at how important returning to the breath can be and to really use each inhale and exhale to bring about change. The world is still turning, yogis.
MUSIC: Process by 92elm
Follow Max on Instagram @kittengonewild
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See you on the mat.
Much love and good vibes.

See you on the mat.
Much love and good vibes.