Dharma Dudes

Dharma Dudes

163 | Stay in the Stillness| Feat. Rocky Heron
< One of the greatest honors in this life is to witness my friends inside their growth process. I often get to see them step into their authentic truth, which is such a gift! Being allowed in to see someone’s life and to hear of all the twists...
162 | Intentional Growth| Feat. Rocky Heron
< My mind is still blown by the reality of my opening a yoga studio in San Francisco. I took a moment and reflected back on all the things that have gotten me to this place and this space -- All the boxes I thought I needed to check. All the yoga teachers whose...
147 | End Of Year Recap with Rocky Heron
< Rocky joins me on this LAST episode of the year! In this episode of Dharma Dudes we get into IT! We unpack the ups and downs of this past year including COVID, the yoga world transition, the election outcome and share the truth as we see it! You will hear our raw...
140 | Dharma Dudes | Feat. Rocky Heron
< Rocky and I are stoked to be back together for this episode of Dharma Dudes. Rocky Heron is an internationally acclaimed yoga educator and musician. Known for his uncanny wisdom and in-depth understanding of yoga anatomy and alignment, Rocky’s teaching is...
125 | State of Yoga | Feat. Rocky Heron
In this episode of Dharma Dudes, Rocky and I discuss all the things that are going on in the world right now including the epic social movement and pandemic. As yoga teachers we ask ourselves, how should we show up right now? There’s lots of conflict and opposing...
120 | Dharma Dudes | Feat. Rocky Heron
This episode of Dharma Dudes was recorded LIVE in front of you guys! Who attended?! We discuss how we have adapted our energy and offerings to accommodate that state of the world living in our hardcore “Shelter In Place” . We chat about how we take care of our body...
115 | Dharma Dudes: Covid Living | Feat. Rocky Heron
We are living in unique times yogis! Rocky and I discuss how we are surviving, thriving, and navigated life during the COVID-19 pandemic. Rocky and I unpack where we are at with the situation and how it has affected our businesses and emotions. Rocky tells us about...
109 | Dharma Dudes: Morning Ritual | Feat. Rocky Heron
Today’s podcast will change your life, and change your day. I am always so honored to have Rocky on the show – on this episode we sat down and discussed our morning rituals. What we do, how we stay consistent and WHY we do it. Rocky mentioned that the morning is the...
105 | Dharma Dudes: Language in Yoga | Feat. Rocky Heron
This episode we discuss the important of language. Language is powerful for both students and teachers and as teachers we have a responsibility to ourselves and the yoga students to be authentic and cautious with what we say. We also discuss the importance of always...
101 | Dharma Dudes: What Did We Learn This Year? | Feat. Rocky Heron
Rocky is back and we reflect on this past year and how we have grown. We conclude that we have no f*cks to give. We are who we are. We talk about boundaries, learning lessons, and not worrying about what others think of us. We do the real talk about the hard things we...
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