by Danni | Dec 9, 2020 | Everything Else, Podcast, Uncategorized
< This episode features one of my favorite collaborations. We partner with Fierce Calm who is a non-profit organization, sharing community yoga saved my life stories, and supporting charities which make yoga accessible to all. Melanie is an ambassador for Fierce...
by Danni | Apr 29, 2020 | Fierce Calm, Podcast
Today is a Fierce Calm Collaboration, one of my FAVORITE episodes to do! Maude Hirst has a rad story! She is a past actor that has changed her life through meditation and yoga! Ten years into her acting career she reflected on her life, then suddenly realized that she...
by Danni | Apr 1, 2020 | Fierce Calm, Podcast
You guys are gonna LOVE Robyn! Their vulnerability and willingness to share is rad! This needs to be the new norm! Especially during this time where it seems all of our foundations have been RIPPED away from us. I am so honored to have Robyn on the show. Robyn shares...
by Danni | Mar 4, 2020 | Fierce Calm, Podcast
I love my podcast collaboration with Fierce Calm! Everything they do is so freaking cool and uplifting! Zephyr Wildman is an ambassador with Fierce Calm and I’m honored to have her on the show. She is a knowledgeable yogi and human based in London. She has an...
by Danni | Feb 5, 2020 | Fierce Calm, Podcast
Cole shares her story about how yoga saved her life. She took her first class at a drug rehabilitation center and it was one of those moments that showed her a different path. She is so brave in this episode and shares her most vulnerable moments. Listen to her story...