Fierce Calm

Fierce Calm

153 | Black Boys OM | Fiecre Calm #yogasavedmylife Feat. Danny Fluker
< You have probably been able to tell that a big part of my journey recently is the practice of anti-racism. It took me a while to realize how much simply presenting as white can shape and change someone’s daily life. This realization has helped...
150 Back to Breath| Fierce Calm #yogasavedmylife Feat. Richie Bostock
< Richie Bostock has popped in and out of my world for a little over a year now. My friends over at Fierce Calm @fiercecalm mentioned that we HAD to sync up and I am so happy we did. As one does, we got him to come on the podcast to chat with us about his wellness...
121 | Fierce Calm #yogasavedmylife | Feat. Davina Davidson
Yogis, I am so excited to have Davina on the Yogi Misfit Sessions podcast this week. We discuss home-life adjustments we have to make during this pandemic and how doing yoga from home has been an adjustment for herself and her family. Davina is also a lululemon...
118 | Fierce Calm #yogasavedmylife| Feat. Maude
Today is a Fierce Calm Collaboration, one of my FAVORITE episodes to do! Maude Hirst has a rad story! She is a past actor that has changed her life through meditation and yoga! Ten years into her acting career she reflected on her life, then suddenly realized that she...
114 | Fierce Calm #yogasavedmylife| Feat. Robyn Childers
You guys are gonna LOVE Robyn! Their vulnerability and willingness to share is rad! This needs to be the new norm! Especially during this time where it seems all of our foundations have been RIPPED away from us. I am so honored to have Robyn on the show. Robyn shares...
110 | Fierce Calm #yogasavedmylife | Feat. Zephyr Wildman
I love my podcast collaboration with Fierce Calm! Everything they do is so freaking cool and uplifting! Zephyr Wildman is an ambassador with Fierce Calm and I’m honored to have her on the show. She is a knowledgeable yogi and human based in London. She has an...
106 | Fierce Calm #yogasavedmylife | Feat. Cole Chance
Cole shares her story about how yoga saved her life. She took her first class at a drug rehabilitation center and it was one of those moments that showed her a different path. She is so brave in this episode and shares her most vulnerable moments. Listen to her story...
102 | Fierce Calm #yogasavedmylife | Feat. Selena Garefino
In this episode I chat with Selena Garefino. Selena shares her personal story that goes into detail about dealing with body dysmorphia, having several life changing surgeries and losing her spouse. She speaks her truth and gives insight into her practice and...
84 | Fierce Calm #yogasavedmylife| Feat. Gianna
Fierce Calm #yogasavedmylife with Gianna Welcome to another collaboration episode with Fierce Calm. This week Gianna stops by to share her story of finding yoga. Hearing stories like Gianna, is one of the reasons why I love doing this podcast. Creating space for...
79 | Fierce Calm – #yogasavedmylife | Feat. Melanie Klein & Jennifer Kreatsoulas
Tribe, welcome back to another collaboration with Fierce Calm + #yogasavedmylife. I love doing shows with Fierce Calm and the platform that was created around it. If you haven’t listened to previous episodes with Fierce Calm, it's a great way to share these stories of...
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