Richie Bostock has popped in and out of my world for a little over a year now. My friends over at Fierce Calm @fiercecalm mentioned that we HAD to sync up and I am so happy we did. As one does, we got him to come on the podcast to chat with us about his wellness path. He brings breath work practice into the day to day similarly to how I bring yoga into the day to day. It’s always interesting for me to hear what tools have been successful in helping others to achieve balance, grounding, and self-care. Yoga has many ways of doing this, but Richie has taken what he’s learned and gave this practice an approach of his own. I got to experience it myself firsthand, and it’s pretty freaking amazing! Stick around for the end of the show, where he guides us into an awesome breathing session.
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See you on the mat.
Much love and good vibes.

See you on the mat.
Much love and good vibes.