

The Danni Pomplun Yoga Blog is a collection of my yoga insights, musings, and your glimpse into how yoga saved my life.  The pulse of the universe flows through my words and some sick beats; check out the latest blog entries and playlists today to engage your mind and fuel your heart!



Learning To Assist, Support, Adjust


Beats of the week… 1.25.19


Beats of the week… 10.10.18


Metta Meditation


Learning To Assist, Support, Adjust


Beats of the week… 1.25.19


Beats of the week… 10.10.18


Metta Meditation

Beats of the week…

Beats of the week…

Here's the newest...   See you on the mat. Much love and good vibes.

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Beats of the week…

This playlist was inspired by my old school days. Hope you like it. See you on the mat. Much love and good vibes.

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Video Clip

Want some flow inspiration? Here's what I'm working on in class this week. Check it out. See you on the mat. Much love and good vibes.

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My mission

I’ve been working with a very dear friend on some internal yoga stuff. One of my assignments was to dig deep inside and come up with a mission statement. I sat the other night and began to write. There was a moment when I got really emotional and felt a rush in my...

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Beats of the week…

Happy Friday Yogis! Since music is such a big part of my life and in my classes I figured I would share a little playlist with you. Enjoy these beats for the weekend. See you on the mat. Much...

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One man dance party

As I drove home Saturday on my scooter, I had tons of music stuck in my head. At the red lights I would tap my feet up and down and bob my head side to side with, of course, only the music playing in my head. At no point did I care what the other drivers around me...

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Get ready!

This year is it for me. I’ve decided that it’s all about feeling the connection to human beings. I’m happy to be working with some amazing people and have tons of awesome stuff in store for the future. Stay tuned in for some fun blog posts, new class playlists, and,...

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