You’ve probably heard me mention over the past couple weeks how important it is that we slow down right now and listen to ourselves. We as a society and as a culture have the mindset of “Go! Go! Go!” often allowing our bodies and minds to fall to the wayside and become non-priorities. Trust me, I know how difficult it is to step away from that “Go! Go! Go!” mentality – it’s almost like an adrenaline rush. But all that has quickly changed, Yogis… With the world operating at a much different pace, we are finding how good it feels to pump the breaks. I look at this as the silver lining of this moment in the human experience. This is an opportunity to slow down, tune in and indulge in you. Let yourself take in this silver lining. You deserve the nourishment of slowing down.
So in honor and in light of this silver lining, I’ve created a quick at home restore sequence to help you dial back and tune in. This sequence is something I’ve been practicing personally for the last few months and has really changed how I come to my mat. It has helped me feel more grounded, relaxed and calm, which is why I want to take this moment to share it with you. The set up is super simple and you can do it anywhere.
Props: two bolsters, but if you have two pillows at home that’ll work just as well! I have recommendations for bolsters from my friends over at Half Moon. (If you need some props etc use code “DANNI” and get 15% off) You can also practice with some sweet sounding beats, check out the latest Restore Playlist.

Pose One: Supported Twist

- Bring one pillow across the top of your mat.
- Place the other pillow long ways on top of the other.
- Start in a seated twist.
- Rotate your upper body around so you can lay belly down.
- Turn your head and surrender.
- Do the other side.
Pose Two: Supportive Child Pose

- Keep the same pillow set up.
- Bring your knees out wide.
- Big toes to touch.
- Lay your belly onto the pillow so that it feels very supported.
- Turn your head one direction, and then the other way.
- Hold for equal time on both sides to balance your neck.
Pose Three: Reclined Tree Pose

- Keep the same pillow setup as above poses.
- Lay down so that your back is supported by the pillows and the head is above the heart.
- Extend one leg out and down, and the other into the inner thigh.
- Rest and relax.
- Switch legs as you feel ready.
- Make sure both sides are balanced in time held.
Pose Four: Savasana Offering 1 + Savasana Offering 2
For the last resting pose we’ll do Savasana. There are two offerings of this pose. Try both and see which works best for you and your body.

- Bring one bolster under the head and one bolster underneath the knees.
- Let the knees butterfly open.
- Rest, Relax, and take in the nourishment

- You can also lay with your legs straight and a pillow propped under your knees.
- Rest, Relax, and take in all the nourishment.
Hold these poses anywhere from 5 to 10 minutes. This is a great way to just let your nervous system reset and restore.
Yogis, gift yourself this practice. A lot of us are trapped in this fast paced mindset. It’s what we’ve been conditioned to believe and do. Break free of this concept! Find your silver lining and use this opportunity to slow down, listen and take care of yourself. Enjoy these calming and yummy restorative poses. You truly deserve it.
See you on the mat.
PS. Check out my friends over at Half Moon for all your restore prop needs. They’re truly my favroite! Use the code “DANNI” and get 15% off!