Dharma Dudes

Dharma Dudes

162 | Intentional Growth| Feat. Rocky Heron
< My mind is still blown by the reality of my opening a yoga studio in San Francisco. I took a moment and reflected back on all the things that have gotten me to this place and this space -- All the boxes I thought I needed to check. All the...
94 | Dharma Dudes: Your Purpose | Feat. Rocky Heron
Your Purpose with Rocky Heron Rocky is back and we’re keeping it real. Sharing experiences from our path, but also where we are in life that allows us to continue to create space for our purpose. We talk about the meditation training that I went through recently,...
90 | Dharma Dudes: Burning Man Recap | Feat. Rocky Heron
Burning Man Recap with Rocky Heron Welcome back to Dharma Dudes! Rocky and I are back from the Playa and were recapping from our time at Burning Man. Burning Man can be such an experience, not only going to it but leading up to it. We talk about the different camps,...
86 | Burn Out | Feat. Rocky Heron
Burn Out with Rocky Heron So how do the Dharma Dudes handle burn out? Yes, we all have been there, we’ve all experienced it. Well, that’s what Rocky and I talk about today. How we get there, to how we help ourselves out of the burn out. We talk about how when we...
81 | Pride Being a Queer Yogi | Feat. Rocky Heron
Happy Pride Tribe! Dharma Dudes is back. Some strong language is used, with talk about drug use. These talks come from an authentic place, alongside our typical banter. Rocky Heron and I explore how we experience the balance between being in the world as queer men,...
78 | Dharma Dudes | Feat. Rocky Heron
Dharma Dudes is Back! Buck up for this one! This week, Rock Heron and I start by talking about the natural progression of fear when sitting in the seat of the teacher. How we encounter and encourage stepping out of our comfort zone and taking on uncharted waters....
73 | Dharma Dudes | feat. Rocky Heron
Just two dudes talking about dharma... You loved mine and Rocky's banter so much we decided to bring you "Dharma Dudes". A monthly spin-off from The Yogi Misfit Session where Rocky and I get to talk about whatever we and you want. For our first episode, we wanted to...
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