
Everything Else


Everything Else

Yogi Misfit Sessions: S8 Nikki Krause

Yogi Misfit Sessions: S8 Nikki Krause

Welcome to the Yogi Misfit Sessions. Today my guest is Nikki Krause. She's my deemed yoga sister from another mister. She's got on heck of a healing story. She's a strong, talented, and wise teacher who owns her life. Cancer is a scary topic and yet she speaks to it...

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Yogi Misfit Sessions: S7 Jen DeKok

Yogi Misfit Sessions: S7 Jen DeKok

Welcome to the Yogi Misfit Sessions. Today my guest is Jen DeKok. Jen joins us as a studio manager who is in love with supporting her people. She has a ton of passion in her role and gets into details about helping others grow. Then we get to the good stuff and talk...

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Yogi Misfit Sessions: S6 Nat Kendall

Yogi Misfit Sessions: S6 Nat Kendall

Welcome to the Yogi Misfit Sessions. Today my guest is Nat Kendall. This dude has a voice and a talent for music. A well-known yogi for his gifts in the singing live department. He even get's me to chant for everyone live on the show... Seriously...  Listen in and...

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Yogi Misfit Sessions: S5 Peter Walters

Yogi Misfit Sessions: S5 Peter Walters

Welcome to the Yogi Misfit Sessions. Today my guest is Peter Walters. It's no secret he's my yoga brother. I love this kid a ton. When we chatted about the show he was super pumped to chat about playfulness. So here it is. Listen in and enjoy. Learn more about Peter:...

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Yogi Misfit Sessions: S4 Dushka Zapata

Yogi Misfit Sessions: S4 Dushka Zapata

Welcome to the Yogi Misfit Sessions. Today my guest Dushka Zapata and I talk about getting out of your own way and negative self-talk. A little about her: "After more than 20 years in the communications industry, I noticed a theme. It is very difficult to articulate...

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