Join this wellness show that goes well beyond being just a podcast. SEEKER + SAGE is a collective dedicated to the improvement and betterment of you, the Seeker, by accessing the best resources, knowledge, and practices our experts, the Sages, have to offer. Listen to conversations with best-selling authors, thought leaders, mental health specialists, relationship coaches, yoga teachers, and self-improvement masters as they share their personal experiences in their lives and fields as a means to ignite our own wisdom from within. Our host Danni Pomplun, world-class yoga educator + mentor, writer, self-proclaimed nerd, entrepreneur, and life enthusiast guides us on these inspiring and motivating journeys that bring out our inner SEEKER + SAGE.
The SEEKER + SAGE podcast supports free, no bullshit communication and discussions. We host guests on the podcasts that are leaders in their field who are ready to take on the hard questions in an effort to continue moving the conversation forward. We believe that open honest communication is key to a healthy lifestyle.
There is a seat at the table for everyone! Our guests are from all from all walks of life representing the many facets and faces of the yoga and wellness world. We actively welcome a diverse group of guests on SEEKER + SAGE to ensure we can offer broad perspectives and engage in healthy conversations. Real talk is the best talk.
Our goal is to spread the transformational potential of yoga to as many people as possible. The more ears we can reach through SEEKER + SAGE, the more yoga can work it’s magic! Yoga saved Danni’s life and we believe it will save other lives too.

Open Communication


Where is Yoga Going? | Feat. Jason Crandell
Social Justice and Yoga | Feat. Amy Ippoliti
The Journey | Feat. Patrick Beach & Carling Harps
Get to know Dylan | feat. Dylan Werner

Where is Yoga Going? | Feat. Jason Crandell
Social Justice and Yoga | Feat. Amy Ippoliti
The Journey | Feat. Patrick Beach & Carling Harps
Get to know Dylan | feat. Dylan Werner

Discovering the Benefits of Tantra Gay Yoga Retreats
Tantra gay yoga retreats offer a unique experience that blends the physical aspects of yoga with deep emotional and spiritual exploration. These retreats provide a safe and supportive environment for gay men to connect with themselves and others on...
Why Yoga is Essential for Gay Men’s Well-Being
Yoga is more than just stretching and breathing exercises; it’s a holistic practice that benefits both the mind and body. For gay men, yoga offers unique advantages that make it essential for overall well-being. This practice can help manage stress, build a supportive...
167 | Triathletes and yoga | Feat. Louise Croxson
< I ran a marathon once… Yup, exactly one time. That was my first and it will be my last. But some people LIVE FOR IT! In many cases, these marathoners train year after year all year long. Then, they add in biking and swimming and call it a party! Yes, I’m talking...
166 | We’re building a home | Feat. Danni + Yvonne
< It took me a long time to realize how much I could accomplish simply by putting my mind to it. I never really believed in my potential. And then sometimes when I did consider the incredible things I was manifesting, I failed to take a step back and appreciate how...
165 | It’s all yoga | Feat. Annie Carpenter
< I never really thought a walk in nature was yoga, but it’s true. Any gateway to a mindful side is all a part of the practice. When @annie mentioned this to me, it got me curious about other areas that bring us there. You see, Annie has this gift; she’s been...
164 | A Trans Lens in Yoga | Feat. Michelle Crawford
< Being a member of the LGBT+ community has made for some interesting plot twists in my life! It has obviously shaped me in a big way. And, like many of you, there have been a number of times during which I felt unsafe just for being who I am. This has happened as...
163 | Stay in the Stillness| Feat. Rocky Heron
< One of the greatest honors in this life is to witness my friends inside their growth process. I often get to see them step into their authentic truth, which is such a gift! Being allowed in to see someone’s life and to hear of all the twists and turns on their...
162 | Intentional Growth| Feat. Rocky Heron
< My mind is still blown by the reality of my opening a yoga studio in San Francisco. I took a moment and reflected back on all the things that have gotten me to this place and this space -- All the boxes I thought I needed to check. All the yoga teachers whose...
161 | Why Am I So Tired? | Feat. Danielle Ryan Broida
< Are you tired?! I’m talking EXHAUSTED to the point of wanting to break down…I know how you feel. I’ve been there and you’ve seen it! This past year has been a crazy one and I’ve been practicing all of my yoga tools to bring my best self to you. I feel like the...
160 | You Deserve Rest | Feat. Tracee Stanley
< How many times have you heard yourself saying “HARD WORK.” Rather let me rephrase that, how many times have you heard me say, “I AM WORKING HARD''. I never once stopped to bother and think, “Why can’t the work be work but not hard all the time?”. Like why is it I...

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