

The Danni Pomplun Yoga Blog is a collection of my yoga insights, musings, and your glimpse into how yoga saved my life.  The pulse of the universe flows through my words and some sick beats; check out the latest blog entries and playlists today to engage your mind and fuel your heart!



Learning To Assist, Support, Adjust


Beats of the week… 1.25.19


Beats of the week… 10.10.18


Metta Meditation


Learning To Assist, Support, Adjust


Beats of the week… 1.25.19


Beats of the week… 10.10.18


Metta Meditation

No one cares about your handstand

No one cares about your handstand

It’s easy to get caught up in the physical practice of yoga. With so much pressure coming from social media, sometimes it seems like yoga is just about doing crazy postures. The truth is that yoga is a living system. It’s about treating yourself and others well. It’s...

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Beats of the week…

Beats of the week…

These guys are coming fresh out of a cafe in San Diego... Enjoy the weekend See you on the mat. Much love and good vibes.

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This is how we seva

This is how we seva

Seva is a Sanskrit word meaning selfless service resulting in personal growth and contribution to the improvement of a community. This past Saturday, 92 yogis came together to practice seva and raised $4,115 for underserved youth. It’s easy at times to have your yoga...

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Beats of the week…

Beats of the week…

Beyond tired from the week with one love planning. I still managed to make a new playlist. See you peeps tomorrow! See you on the mat. Much love and good vibes.  

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Open Letter

Open Letter

Dear Yoga Community, My name is Danni Pomplun. I have been a yoga teacher for almost five years and a student of the practice for about twelve years. When I first started the practice, it was all about the physical benefits for me. I heard what the teachers chatted...

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Beats of the week…

Beats of the week…

This one has some oldies and some newbies... Enjoy See you on the mat. Much love and good vibes.

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Exhale the BULL$HIT

Exhale the BULL$HIT

Have I ever mentioned that I want to write a book? No seriously, I do. A student of mine heard my story about growing up and my yoga journey and was convinced that I had to tell this story to others (this happen to be the same student that told me I should quit my bar...

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Beats of the week…

Beats of the week…

I was outta town this Friday so here's this playlist a couple days short 🙂 See you on the mat. Much love and good vibes.

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Do you even lift (Bro)?

Do you even lift (Bro)?

Over the past few weeks, I have been doing one thing or another for The One Love Movement event happening here in SF (If you haven't heard about it look it up HERE: we’re raising money for underserved youth). Some of my doing involved being interviewed for Spark blog...

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