

Seeker + Sage Playlist February 2021
Hey Yogis! It's February! These have some good vibes to keep you flowing. Listen and Enjoy! See you on the mat. Much love and good vibes. About Danni
Beats of the week…
Hey Tribe, Here's the latest and the greatest! Listen and Enjoy! See you on the mat. Much love and good vibes. Ps. Follow me on Spotify for my podcast and...
Beats of the week…
Hey Tribe, It's been a minute with a brand new playlist but here it is! Listen and Enjoy! See you on the mat. Much love and good vibes. Ps. Follow me on Spotify for my Podcast and playlist.
Beats of the week…
Well Hello, June! I have been slammed with teacher training but have finally made a new for you guys to enjoy. I had a blast making it. See you on the mat. Much love and good vibes.
Beats of the week…
It's been a minute but here's a fresh one! See you on the mat. Much love and good vibes.
Beats of the week…
Coming to you live from my bed (because I'm sick). Listen and Enjoy! See you on the mat. Much love and good vibes.
Beats of the week…
Hey Yoga Fam! New tunes for your weekend. Listen and Enjoy! See you on the mat. Much love and good vibes.
Beats of the week…
Hey, yoga tribe! Here's my latest offering for music. I was out for a bit recovering from an accident. This one was a combo of my moods while healing. Listen and Enjoy! See you on the mat. Much...
Beats of the week…
This is it, yogis! The last one for the year! I hope you enjoy listening to it as much as I loved making it. Listen & Enjoy! See you on the mat. Much love and good vibes.
Beats of the week…
Back at it with the fresh beats.... Listen and enjoy! See you on the mat. Much love and good vibes.
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