Dec 13 – 15th: Yogi Deep Dive

So you’ve received the call to deepen your practice, but don’t know where to go from here. There are so many concepts we hear in classes without enough time to break them down or ask our own questions. If you’re ready to further dissect body mechanics of both fundamental and advanced postures, or if you want to learn more about the history and philosophy of this amazing practice, then this deep dive is for you. In this immersion, Danni will lead students to go deeper into key elements of living a more yogic lifestyle along with the physical practice, basic and advanced postures, philosophy, and meditation. Students can receive 14 CEC’s for attending this 3-day intensive.

Friday, December 13, 4:00 – 9:00pm: Asana
Fundamentals of the practice
Advanced postures

Saturday, December 14, 12:00 – 4:00pm: 8 Limbs of Yoga

Sunday, December 15, 11:00 – 4:00pm: Yamas + Niyamas

Daily application

Take your practice to the next level

One of my favorite options for deepening a personal yoga practice is through workshops. While in my yoga classes, we devote a significant amount of time to breathing and postures, workshops allow more time to break down poses, understand the why behind the what, ask questions, and get a better grasp on the focus of that workshop. Sometimes in class, we don’t always have the opportunity to really dig deeper into important concepts as they relate to the practice, so I especially enjoy being able to give more individualized attention to students in this setting and to provide feedback in the moment. Regardless of level of experience, workshops are something many yoga practitioners benefit from. Check out the link below to see upcoming workshops I’m facilitating.

Host Me At Your Studio

I am humbled by your warm requests. I am happy to share my experience and knowledge, to bring your students on the journey that I have taken, and hope that they find it enriching. Please complete the attached form so that I have a better understanding of your studio.

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