San Francisco

Spring 2020


San Francisco

Spring 2020


San Francisco

Spring 2020
Mar 6 – May 18


Yoga is a lifelong practice that goes from what you’ve done on the mat, into your personal life, and stays with you to forge a shared connection with your sangha, your community. When we practice the physical asanas, we are witness to changes in our physical and emotional bodies. When we teach, we share our passion, knowledge, skill, and love of this practice with our students. Join Danni Pomplun, Yvonne Kingsley, and team for 6 intensive weekends of learning, introspection, and inquiry for a training that will be sure to make a lasting impression on your life.

Danni’s teacher training was a beautiful experience from which I learned both how to teach yoga and how to better live my life via finding balance and being real. Coming away from it, I’m so glad I invested the time and effort and actually made space for it in my life, as it has been a bucket list item for a few years. Truly, there have very few life experiences that are as invaluable as this has been. And I don’t regret any of it!

Trish Lin

Teacher Training Graduate


This Yoga Alliance certified 200-hour training is designed to provide you with the groundwork, knowledge, skill and confidence to begin teaching yoga. Through lectures, practicums, asana practices, external reading, and other activities, you will learn the fundamentals of vinyasa yoga. This program will run through long weekends (Friday-Monday) in 2020 starting on the first weekend of March through the second week of May with two weeks in between each intensive.  The curriculum of this teacher training will cover anatomy, history of yoga, yoga philosophy, intelligent sequencing, teaching methodology, breath work/pranayama, meditation, physical adjustments and assists, and the business of yoga.


Danni Pomplun

Yoga is a metaphor for life. That said, I think yoga should be fun. I’m not saying it won’t be challenging or encourage you to test and expand your limits, but yoga is about your own personal journey, and I don’t know about you, but I want my journey to be a freaking fun one. I am an E-RTY500 instructor, and a member of the teacher training faculty at Yoga Tree. I’m also a real person, and I recognize that I’m teaching real people. My students resonate with my functional, down-to-earth approach and my ability to combine the mentally restorative aspects of yoga with the functional physical work that it entails. I am grateful to work alongside my teachers and mentors Jason Crandell & Darren Main, who have helped influence my teaching style.

Yvonne Kingsley

I am deeply committed to living and sharing the path of yoga. Inspired by the power of this practice to transform my life, I left a decade-long advertising career, dedicating myself to help others find a clear and centered place within themselves. As an E-RYT500 teacher, I encourage my students to cultivate awareness, curiosity and compassion – both on and off the mat. Training extensively with Jason Crandell and Kia Miller has influenced my grounded and intentional style of teaching. My classes blend rhythmic flow, attention to alignment, mindfulness, and intelligent sequencing. I truly believe the holistic practice of yoga gives us the tools to live a more conscious, vibrant and purposeful life.


Danni Pomplun

Yoga is a metaphor for life. That said, I think yoga should be fun. I’m not saying it won’t be challenging or encourage you to test and expand your limits, but yoga is about your own personal journey, and I don’t know about you, but I want my journey to be a freaking fun one. I am an E-RTY500 instructor, and a member of the teacher training faculty at Yoga Tree. I’m also a real person, and I recognize that I’m teaching real people. My students resonate with my functional, down-to-earth approach and my ability to combine the mentally restorative aspects of yoga with the functional physical work that it entails. I am grateful to work alongside my teachers and mentors Jason Crandell & Darren Main, who have helped influence my teaching style.

Yvonne Kingsley

I am deeply committed to living and sharing the path of yoga. Inspired by the power of this practice to transform my life, I left a decade-long advertising career, dedicating myself to help others find a clear and centered place within themselves. As an E-RYT500 teacher, I encourage my students to cultivate awareness, curiosity and compassion – both on and off the mat. Training extensively with Jason Crandell and Kia Miller has influenced my grounded and intentional style of teaching. My classes blend rhythmic flow, attention to alignment, mindfulness, and intelligent sequencing. I truly believe the holistic practice of yoga gives us the tools to live a more conscious, vibrant and purposeful life.


The books listed below are integral to any yoga practice, whether you progress on after this training to teach yoga or expand your knowledge of yoga. There are many translations and versions out there–the ones listed are suggested as they resonated with me. 

The Bhagavad-Gita

Easwaran translation

The Yoga Anatomy Coloring Book: A Visual Guide to Form, Function, and Movement

Kelly Solloway

Daily Offerings



(Friday, Saturday, Sunday & Monday)

March 6-9 | March 20-23 | April 3-6 | April 17-20, May 1-4 | May 15-18
Spring 2020 starting March 6th through May 18th
Fridays / 5 pm-10 pm
Saturdays / 8 am-6 pm
Sundays / 8 am-6 pm
Mondays / 5 pm-10 pm

Payment Plan


Insider Sale


Early Bird


Full Price


Cancellation Policy

There is a non-refundable $500 deposit. If for any reason you are unable to keep your enrollment in this training, please let me know via email (danni@dannipomplun.com) at least 8 weeks in advance before March 1st, 2020 and tuition paid less the deposit will be refunded. Please note that absolutely no refunds will be given after the program start date, and it will be your responsibility to notify me accordingly if your plans change.


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